Freelancer: MarkoDesignss
Αναφορά Συμμετοχής

The Dental Implant Logo Design - Marko Designs

Hi there, I just finished working on this concept for your logo design. I used the colors that you uploaded in the file and I also included the mountains and tooth implant that you wanted. If you like this concept I can deliver all the files you asked for and we can even play with the colors if you would like to until you are fully satisfied. I am currently free and ready to work, so make sure to hit me up! Best regards, Marko

Συμμετοχή Διαγωνισμού #108 για                                                 The Dental Implant Center of New Hampshire logo

Δημόσιος Πίνακας Διευκρινίσεων

Κανένα μήνυμα ακόμα.