Freelancer: Shuhadh
Αναφορά Συμμετοχής

Master Bedroom Interior Design

I have created this Spanish style bedroom with dark and green theme so that it gives warm and cozy feeling to the bedroom. Bedroom is the place in the home where we find our inner peace with the stunning wood feature wall behind the bed and the mirror you chose I personally think it suits well for the design. Sorry i couldn't figure out your mirror properly in 3d but still i did my best to highlight the mirror in the a great position. You have a good choice in selecting with the mirror and the barn door... Hope you like my design and the color palate if you wish for any changes you can let me know.. Thanks

Συμμετοχή Διαγωνισμού #89 για                                                 Master Bedroom Interior Design

Δημόσιος Πίνακας Διευκρινίσεων

  • JToddRandall
    Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού
    • Πριν από 3 χρόνια

    Hi Mohamad, I really like the seating area in teh middle of the room, and the colors are pleasing to the eye. The headboard feels a little too fancy for me? The chairs are a good choice.

    • Πριν από 3 χρόνια