Freelancer: clrdesigns4
Αναφορά Συμμετοχής

Hanna Park Logo

Hello, I paid very close attention to where everything is located on the park map, the details in your notes, as well as the concept design that was attached. I also took a screen shot of the lake on Google Earth from the ocean side view where I felt was approximately 100 ft in the air, to get a better layout of the park and the shape of the lake. I tried to include everything that is available in the park that was activity based. I originally had the "Hanna Park" in white, but I really liked the way the gradient yellows and oranges drew your eye down from the sun, to the fire and then to the name. I focused on nature but kept the colors eye popping for an image that was fun and appealing to the eye, as well as makes you take a second look. I can make any changes to this design that you would like. Your comments and feedback are very important to me. Thank you so much, Claudia

Συμμετοχή Διαγωνισμού #46 για                                                 Develop park logo/sign to be used on park signs, t-shirts, brochures, etc

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