Freelancer: cyasolutions
Αναφορά Συμμετοχής


Hey! check this and ask for any modification. I can add, delete, modify and combine anything you see in the image. Also I can prepare you another versions with another colors, i want to satisfy you with my work. If you're interested on faster revisions, we can talk by private chat.

Συμμετοχή Διαγωνισμού #25 για                                                 Create Logo for relaxation brand

Δημόσιος Πίνακας Διευκρινίσεων

  • cyasolutions
    • Πριν από 5 χρόνια

    Sure! working on it.

    • Πριν από 5 χρόνια
    1. josepave72
      • Πριν από 5 χρόνια


      • Πριν από 5 χρόνια
  • patrickwinter91
    Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού
    • Πριν από 5 χρόνια

    Hey, i didnt really like the modifications. Can you please do 2 versions. 1) based on submission 103 - instead of starting the flower at the Z, start it at the Y and make the line and the flower go to the left. For the end of the y, add the flower as your #2 . Also, have it more caligraphic and a bit squiggly , maybe include some leaves as well. Please also try the same font as on submission 111 the font of the symbol ZT

    • Πριν από 5 χρόνια
  • patrickwinter91
    Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού
    • Πριν από 5 χρόνια

    HEy, i really like version two, the simplicity speaks to me. can you please provide more versions of the flower, also making the font more feminine? thanks and best

    • Πριν από 5 χρόνια