Acting Fast Post Award

Αναρτήθηκε στις - Τελευταία τροποποίηση στις

When we recommend you to an employer, we need you to act fast. If you are slow to accept, the likelihood of the project going ahead will drop significantly.

Our research shows that the most successful projects on the site are awarded and accepted within the first hour of being posted.

What we need you to do when you are awarded a project:

  1. If the details are already confirmed, Accept immediately. If you need to discuss details before accepting, get it done quickly and Accept straight after.

  2. Start a discussion with the employer straight away. Discuss deliverables and help the employer set up milestones.

  3. Once accepted, get straight to work. Have a list of questions ready to ask. If it makes it easier, put together a templated questionnaire in an Excel or Word file. Remember to maintain clear communication with the employer via Freelancer chat at all times.

Act fast. Be agile and flexible. These freelancers get the best results on our site. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send us an email at

Αναρτήθηκε 15 Αυγούστου, 2014


Helping you get the job done

I work at as an Account Manager. Every day, I help employers learn how to engage freelancers. I help identify and award the most suitable freelancer for the job. It often involves educating employers about technical things, like designing and developing a website. I'm a cyclist and a customer experience enthusiast.

Επόμενο Άρθρο

Communicating With Your Employers