What should I include in my Freelancer.com Portfolio?

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Did you know that your portfolio plays a huge role in getting you the jobs you want? Your portfolio is one of the simplest ways to show employers what you are capable of.

Quality over quantity

It is sometimes tempting to showcase all the work you have done, yet the trick to creating an excellent portfolio is to upload only your best and most visually appealing work.  We highly recommend you display three of your most successful items.

Avoid linking to other sites

Linking to other sites is not preferable. In fact, employers should not be redirected or prompted to another site to dig deep to find your work. Uploading your work to the Freelancer.com portfolio will not only improve your stats on the site, but it will enable our recruiters to assess your eligibility for our Preferred Freelancer Program.

Upload relevant work

Remember to upload work which increases your chances of being chosen for a project. If you are currently looking for development work, it will be useful to upload recent work that you have done in this area.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact support@freelancer.com.


Αναρτήθηκε 28 Ιανουαρίου, 2015


Blogger, Business Writing

I work at Freelancer.com as a Quality Manager. Every day, I help freelancers learn about how they can engage employers. I help identify opportunities for freelancers. It often involves educating freelancers about our Preferred Freelancer Program and helping them set up top-notch profiles. I'm a cyclist and a customer experience enthusiast.

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