Freelancer: debanjan999
Αναφορά Συμμετοχής

I made for other client ,do you need same style?

Dear sir see link attached animation I made for one of my previous client . Do you need similar to this ? can you please share some images/ eye graphics you like for animation ? I need to understand the style you like

Συμμετοχή Διαγωνισμού #4 για                                                 Create an animation movie

Δημόσιος Πίνακας Διευκρινίσεων

  • debanjan999
    • Πριν από 6 χρόνια

    I made for other client ,do you need same style?
    Dear sir see link

    attached animation I made for one of my previous client . Do you need similar to this ? can you please share some images/ eye graphics you lik e for animation ? I need to understand the style you like

    • Πριν από 6 χρόνια