Graphic Design for Aslan Corporation
- Κατάσταση: Closed
- Βραβείο: $100
- Ληφθείσες Συμμετοχές: 29
- Νικητής: proxlservice
Σύνοψη Διαγωνισμού
Polished beautiful design for our single-page web site.
Προτεινόμενες Δεξιότητες
Σχόλια Εργοδότη
“Excellent designer. Was easy to work with and produced numerous versions until we had just the design I wanted. Highly recommended. ”
subpariq, United States.
Δημόσιος Πίνακας Διευκρινίσεων
- Πριν από 13 χρόνια
Dear Ch, i have forgot to submit my entry, how can i give it to you ?
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Please kindly check #36 ... I ran out of time But would of liked to place an asian pattern in the top red header part. it would be transparent and not very over bearing to keep in line with the designs simple and clean design.
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not sure I'm allowed to do this.. but here is a version with a background on it. As i ran out of time just minutes after the closing. ... its the same but with an asian design in the background behind the logo.
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updated my post check #34
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#31 , have another background , Tnx
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Check #30 , Thanks
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Hi, please see design #24 ... Let me know if you would like to see some revisions or if this is on the right track. Hope you like it :)
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ps. I just noticed I left out the security number. If you do like this design I'll reupload with number included. Also as you are a programming software company I kept it very nice and clean to give it that corporate edge.
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Hi subpariq
Please rate my entries on #19 and #20. By the way, awesome logo you've got there :D
success2gether- Πριν από 13 χρόνια
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Any feedback are really useful for both of us.
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Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού - Πριν από 13 χρόνια
Thanks for your submissions. We're looking for a style that is a little less busy and doesn't overuse the logo. thanks for the complement on the logo.
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checkout the polished one #22 ...- Πριν από 13 χρόνια
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Hello subpariq, Please take a look at my design #18 , I have made the design neat & clean. Hope you like. Thanks
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Some texture are not visible in the preview but still there are some nice detail texture in the header, footer & main body section. May be the web site compressed the preview image.
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please go to this link for full preview to see the texture I have used
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plz check #14 & 15 with color chenges
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[lz check #13
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Please review #9
Really Plosihed design with pixel perfect layout and used the Furious color theme.- Πριν από 13 χρόνια
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Good day sir! Let me know your feedback. Thanks!
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Δες 2 περισσότερα μηνύματα-
Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού - Πριν από 13 χρόνια
I understand your reasoning. I wonder if maybe you could have two columns inside that one inset section, but made the entire width wider than it is.
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well, thats just a sample sir. we can do it much better if you'll choose me. hoping to work with you soon. thanks!
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feedback for #8 please
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Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού - Πριν από 13 χρόνια
That's a pretty design. I'm concerned about how the last section, "Contact" is not centered and the various contact input elements aren't very well placed. Is that your intent?
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hehe, well yes,it makes it a good size and its good room for the patterns and graphics..what would make it better?
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Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού - Πριν από 13 χρόνια
Incidentally, please note that the company name is "Aslan Corporation", not "Asian Corporation."
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Hi. Have put this page together keeping in mind your company. Have tred to make it neat and professional, not too many frills which take away from the product. Let me know if this is in the general direction of what you have in mind. Incidentally, I am also a content writer, if you need anything to be wriiten for the site. Thanks!
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Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού - Πριν από 13 χρόνια
Generally, I Like your designs. However, I do not wish to modify the logo if at all possible. Yes, after the site design is complete, we will need content for the three sections.
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Hi. Thanks for your feedback. Have uploaded another one. Can make fix the logo in the earlier designs too, if needed. If you need the content as well, let me know. Thanks.
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Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού - Πριν από 13 χρόνια
MajorKrea, I find your design in #5 very interesting. In fact, I can imagine some interesting animation taking place as the sections might expand when a mouse is over them. However, things seem a little narrow in the center section with the two paragraphs.
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Hi Subpariq
i submit another one.- Πριν από 13 χρόνια
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