Freelancer: jessebauman
Αναφορά Συμμετοχής


Hello I have created this for you please let me know what you think. I have tried to focus on explaining the most important parts while not cluttering the paper. I was thinking on the other side you could put more information please let me know your thoughts

Συμμετοχή Διαγωνισμού #2 για                                                 Snake Bite Kit product label

Δημόσιος Πίνακας Διευκρινίσεων

  • jessebauman
    • Πριν από 7 χρόνια

    I just seen your second comment about removing image 4 and 5 , I will take care of that as well and submit it tomorrow, if you have any other requests I will gladly make any changes.

    • Πριν από 7 χρόνια
  • ViperWriter
    Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού
    • Πριν από 7 χρόνια

    Also, let's remove the block between #4 & #5 . I have a video training course which outlines the proper technique at the link provided. Might give us more room for the emrgency numbers and logo

    • Πριν από 7 χρόνια
  • ViperWriter
    Κάτοχος Διαγωνισμού
    • Πριν από 7 χρόνια

    Hi Jesse - thanks for the entry. Definitely on the right track here. Let's move #3 to #2 . (I.e. Immobilise patient first then remove constricting clothing). I'd also like to see how the background looks in black as I'd prefer the logo not to be in a different colour block. Right at the top I'd like the text "NB: Limit movement of bitten limb; get medical attention ASAP"

    • Πριν από 7 χρόνια
    1. jessebauman
      • Πριν από 7 χρόνια

      Okay thanks for feedback will do

      • Πριν από 7 χρόνια